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School Board Tensions


by UI7 Staff

Tensions are high at the Mahomet-Seymour school district after a school board member walked out of their meeting Tuesday night.

Before leaving, board member Meghan ​​​​​​​Hennesy gave a 20 minute speech addressing several problems within the school district. Her speech stated that bullying is a big issue, as students and community members have come to her with concerns that no one in the school district is willing to help. Hennesy also said that classrooms are too crowded and teachers are starting gofundme's to raise money for their classrooms. She says she will eventually return to the board room but is taking a stand for the students for now.

The meeting continued with the remaining 3 board members and the superintendent. In November, taxpayers voted down the referendum for improvements to the district. Including bigger classrooms and a new junior high school.

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